Tuesday 1 February 2011

Narrative Scenes

The above clip has been put together by myself and Will to show a scene of domestic violence in a home where a young boy finds it hard to concentrate as his Dad acts angrily towards his Mum. In our chosen video, we see a range of issues and problems that occur in life and how the victims of these situations over come them. Here we have shown that the boy finds it hard at home, but quickly realises he can stand up to protect his mum. This scene links in with the theory of Equilibrium by Toderov, where the beginning of the scene is content, an incident happens in between and results in a similar ending but with a different end result.

The above screen shots are from Katy Perry's original video of 'Firework'. We worked from these screen shots to create our own story board and shots when filming the video clip above.

This scene shows a clip of a boy being mugged. Again, we have shown how the boy defeats the men who mug him by stunning them with magic tricks. This links in with the narrative Katy Perry has shown in her own video but we have developed it to make it our own. Katy Perry has used the word 'Firework' as a metaphor to suggest that people become "fireworks" when they over come their own issues and problems. We have shown this here when they boy defeats the men mugging him.

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