Wednesday 29 September 2010


We have decided to use a variety of locations as in Katy Perry's music videos she has used lots of different settings as her songs are often fast paced and the locations can often flit from one to another. We have looked at settings she used in her videos and the theme of her album. From her previous videos and her current album, we got the feeling that Katy Perry has based her songs on the summer as they are all very happy and upbeat. The summer/happy feeling also comes from the names of some of her songs on her album, such as 'California Girls', 'Teenage Dream' and 'Firework'.
We have now chosen to do 'Firework' so we have looked really closely at the story of the song and have chosen locations to match this. We are really going to act out a lot of the song as Katy Perry does this in this video and all of her other videos that we have watched.


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